Smart Cards: The Security System That Tucks Into a Wallet

Integrated Access Security
4 min readFeb 23, 2021


Business owners have a responsibility to protect their property and any private information they hold for their employees and clients. Thankfully, there are many options available for securing such information. One security option that continues to grow in popularity is smart cards.

In today’s security industry, smart cards have come a long way from their simple magnetic strip ancestors. You now have many more options when it comes to these security devices including features like:

· Embedded smart chips

· Two-factor authentication

· Tap access

· Contactless access

· Biometric integration

Smart card security options continue to grow, and the experts at Integrated Access Security want to help you take advantage of these advances. Here are a few of the reasons getting a smart card security access system may be the right move for your business.

1. Smart Card Access Control

Not too long ago, the only way to secure access to your building or sensitive areas was to use physical keys, combination locks or security guards. Each of these options poses its own limitations and risks — lost keys, forgotten combos and expensive personnel just to name a few. The smart card revolution has expanded the options available to business owners while also reducing costs.

Today, smart card technology makes it easy for even small companies to have control over who enters their property, accesses sensitive areas of the building or logs onto specific systems or programs. Electronic access control provides layers of security by simply changing a few settings in your system. At the heart of these types of systems is the smart card. Encoded with specific data, these cards can provide access to particular areas or systems in your business.

2. Smart Cards Save Time

A quick scan of the card allows people into secure areas. Deactivating a single card when you terminate an employee or an employee quits is simple. If an employee loses their card or someone steals it, you will easily be able to cancel that card and issue a replacement.

Personalized smart cards also save time because you don’t have to notify all employees when a door’s passcode changes. Employees benefit because they can gain access to the building quickly without having to remember a code.

In addition, the people in the office staff or IT department save time because they don’t have to answer calls from employees locked out of their computers or the building because they have forgotten, or do not have, the latest passcode.

3. Smart Cards Let Employees Access Information From Anywhere

Employees can use the cards to log into company files when working remotely, which is useful for telecommuters and others that work outside of the office. Smart cards help trade show representatives to keep their booths and equipment secure and make it easy for the employer to track their attendance and activity while they are on the road.

Security and tech industry experts recommend smart cards because they provide a greater level of security than previous remote methods. There is no operating system or hard disk to hack into, so the login information is not easily obtained from outside sources. The information on modern smart cards is often encrypted as well, adding another level of protection.

4. Smart Card Readers Can Keep a Record

Keep track of everyone that accesses your property or protected files by utilizing the tracking features that come with smart card systems. These tools allow you to track who used their smart card to enter an area as well as when. If there is a breach of some sort at your facility, this record will help you keep track of who was in or near the area. Did another type of incident happen onsite? The records from your smart card reader will allow you to determine who was present. This could help management with legal or disciplinary investigations.

5. Smart Cards Are Customizable

Employers can create cards according to their own specifications. These adaptations include what is on the exterior of the card and the data programmed into the card.

Some companies only use the cards as timecards or front door access. These cards typically come with the name of the employee and a barcode. More complex cards include holographic images, biometric data, employee photographs and signatures. These cards are often used as corporate nametags and are often designed with corporate color schemes and logos to match their branding.

The customization does not end with how the cards work or look. There are also many ways to wear or store the cards. Most cards are the size and shape of a credit card or business card, so they store easily in a wallet or pocket. Newer cards can come in even smaller form factors such as a Fob, data stick or RFID dongle. Employees can also wear smart cards on a lanyard for easy access to their ID during the workday.

Have More Questions About Your Smart Card Options? Call Our Bay Area Security Experts

At Integrated Access Security, we design security systems that meet the needs of each client. Contact our experienced team if smart cards are a security measure you have considered adding to your business. We want to help you to find the tools that will guard your investments.



Integrated Access Security

Integrated Access Security is a commercial security systems company serving Redwood City, Palo Alto and the surrounding areas.