Just A Few Benefits of Having An Access Control System For Your Business

Integrated Access Security
3 min readNov 30, 2020


As a business owner, one of your top concerns should be security. Whether it is security for your products, your facilities or your employees, entrepreneurs need to make a plan. Having an armed security guard may seem like the best solution, but it can also make your customers a bit uneasy. Luckily, there are other options when it comes to keeping everyone and everything safe. An integrated access control system may be just the solution for your security needs.

These security systems take the place of the normal locks and keys on your doors. This allows you to control who enters what areas and when they can enter. To make this system effective, you will first need to determine what areas you need the system to secure. Do all exterior doors need locks? What about the main office door or doors to the employees only areas? Understanding where you need more security is the first step in utilizing this security tool.

Once you know what you want to protect, you and a security professional can design a system that will fit your requirements. At Integrated Access Security, we provide the experience to help guide business owners in their security endeavors. Here are a few more benefits you will find after installing an integrated access system in your business facility.

Protecting Your Employees

There are times when the only people in your facility should be your employees. This is when they are getting work done, and outsiders could cause a distraction that disrupts workflow. When you have an integrated access control system, you can easily lock all the doors and windows and set an alarm on them. Only individuals who have access credentials will be able to enter your building without setting off an alarm. This will allow your employees to work undisturbed and keep business on track.

When your business has customers coming late at night, or at times when only one employee is present, you can set the system in a way that allows your employee to control customer access. That employee can even do so from a remote location on the premises. This will allow them to stay safe behind a wall, security window or from a room with video monitoring.

Access for Outside Workers

When other people need to get into your establishment after hours, you can control their access so that you or one of your employees does not need to be present. You can provide a code or an access card that will only work on specific dates, days or times. You can also limit access to particular areas to keep sensitive spaces and projects safe.

This can be very handy if you have a regular cleaning or maintenance team that comes in at night. You can give them access on the nights when you have scheduled them to be there. Since you can check the system to find out when they were there, this will also verify when they came and went. If you have cameras installed, you can also check to make sure they were working.

Verify Overtime

When an employee is claiming overtime, you need to be sure they were there and working. While you can check any cameras, sometimes they do not cover the entire facility. An integrated system will log when they came in, and every time they left the building. You may also be able to connect the network to the security system, so you can tell if they were working or not.

Knowing who is in your establishment and what they are doing at all times is just another way to ensure your business operates efficiently. An integrated access system is a great way of keeping track of this. You will be able to make adjustments as necessary to save money on payroll while making sure work gets done. The added security may also help your employees feel safer, which could bolster productivity.

What other benefits could integrated access offer your business? Speak with the commercial security experts at Integrated Access Security to learn more. We provide quality solutions for companies looking to streamline their security and productivity. Call (650) 332–6667 today to discuss what options are available to your business.



Integrated Access Security

Integrated Access Security is a commercial security systems company serving Redwood City, Palo Alto and the surrounding areas.